A Christmas Detour.
We decorated our tree just after Evie's birthday. The lovely Rossi took photos. And then it was an epic mission getting them off her camera. In fact, we've had a bit of a technological meltdown at our house really. Our camera, laptop and my phone have all folded under the Christmas pressure.
I've found it so hard not have a tantrum over it. I had such high hopes for blogging and photos after the rush of the markets. I've found it hard to throw out the junk mail before I even look at it, to not google the cost of a new computer or camera, to not just click 'buy' and stick it on the credit card, to tell myself I deserve it, or that it's my right, or an important business investment. I've found it hard not to be angry at Tim and God and the world of employers out there over our financial situation.
And looking over these photos again now does make me glad for the simplicity that will mark Christmas this year. And it reminds me of the conversation I was having with a dear friend, just diagnosed with Liver disease, about the story of Christmas. She was musing about Mary, all those years ago. Maybe she had plans for her life. Did she feel like the Angel at her door was an interruption? Or maybe she just expected that God would provide something more comfortable than a shed in which to give birth? I would feel ripped off! But I've never doubted His provision for Mary. It's always just been part of the miracle of it, the humility, the God-becoming-man.
And so I wrote this poem. For me, for Sharon, for anyone who has heard horrible news, or been taken on a detour, or had their laptop die at an inopportune time. I truly hope the simplicity and hope of Christmas touches your heart this weekend and that we are reminded to let go and just be and see what happens. Love, Jodi. xxx
Did you wonder at the detour?
Me? A child? Now?
Unmarried. Inexperienced.
Unexpected. Expecting.
An invasion, an interruption.
A thing too awful and too wonderful.
Did you have your life planned out?
Or even just your day?
Did you wonder at His timing?
A call to be counted.
All that way?
This far along?
(On a donkey?!)
A plan too big and adventurous.
Did you wonder at His provision?
Door after door and shaking head.
Sorry Folks, we're all full up!
Full of expectation
and hope and pain.
It's so close. Surely God..
For the King
For the Mother of the King!
A welcome so humble.
Did you wonder at His presence?
We have a shed...
a barn, a stable.
You met your King in cries of pain
and the bleating of sheep.
Did you wonder at His leading?
First kings as guests and then a king as hunter.
Leave now, far from family
and comfort
and peace.
Did you think, 'If only!'
If only they hadn't spoken!
Did your heart long for home?
Did you wonder each day onward
at this little invasion?
A child King
befriending the lonely, forgotten
Who fled adoring crowds
told the healed to tell no one
with no sword or gallant horse
and thorns for his crown.
An invasion so daring, so unexpected.