...and After!

What happened to Tuesday?? One minute it was Monday and we were moving up a storm, then next thing I know it's Wednesday already and those last little bits of cleaning, (you know, the ones where you have little piles everywhere of things you don't have a place for and don't want to think about?) were still scattered through my lovely, sunny dining room/studio.
Crafty Tuesday, a little group of friends who come over, eat cake and drink coffee and create together is what happened to Tuesday. I was so immersed in finishing off the final touches to some of my dresses and taking photos of them ready for my grande shop opening tomorrow (woohoo!) that cleaning didn't make it anywhere near my agenda.
So this morning, baby asleep, I made my way through those piles with great motivation. And look!

 In this yummy corner, where Tim's desk used to be, I have my fabric shelf and ironing board. The shelves we discovered on Monday on my neighbour's junk pile and asked if we could take it! Isn't it great?!

 This sad box is my scrap box, waiting to be sorted. My entire fabric collection used to fit in here. Hmmm.

 These are my bibs and dresses in a nice neat pile, waiting for new homes!

 And ditto for my quilts and drawstring playmats!

 I just love sewing next to the window! I love natural light.

 Look how much room I have! I feel so spoilt! And to top it off, the kids have been sleeping great in their newly shared room. (Although I did just have to go in and see what Eve was fussing about. Tully, trying to cheer her up, had thrown a teddy, a rocket and a hippo in her cot for a sleep-over.)

 And here's Tim, back in his cave (or sauna!), feeling like he's come home.

Don't forget! Tomorrow's the big day! Tickle & Hide: Clothing with Alter Ego is opening on Etsy! There'll be cake and balloons and a big giveaway! If you're actually, physically here in Newcastle, come on round for some fun. Otherwise, check by the blog to share in the celebrations over the ether!